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Ojai International City of Peace

Kali Kealoha

Ojai, California, was designated the 99th International City of Peace in November 2014. This initiative was spearheaded by local peacebuilders, including artist Brian Berman, who envisioned uniting communities globally under the banner of peace. The Ojai City Council officially recognized this status with a proclamation on April 14, 2015.

Being an International City of Peace signifies Ojai's commitment to fostering a culture of peace, both locally and globally. This designation involves organizing events that inspire and educate the community about peacebuilding, honoring the area's rich history of peace consciousness, and acknowledging the indigenous Chumash people's legacy of ceremony and healing in the Ojai Valley.

The International Cities of Peace organization defines such cities as communities that have made a commitment to peace through history, proclamation, or concerted peacebuilding efforts. This commitment is reflected in initiatives that enhance safety, prosperity, and quality of life for all residents.

International Cities of Peace

In Ojai, this commitment has manifested in various community events, such as annual celebrations of the United Nations International Day of Peace, peace festivals, and educational programs aimed at building a culture of peace across all community segments. These efforts underscore Ojai's dedication to promoting unity, understanding, and harmony within the city and beyond.

International Cities of Peace

For a visual perspective on Ojai's journey as an International City of Peace, you might find this video insightful:

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